BookBub, the site that offers awesome daily deals on ebooks and one of your favorite book recommendation services, now lets you add and follow your favorite authors. If any of their books go up for sale at BookBub, you'll get a notification so you can snag a deal.
If you're not familiar, BookBub sends out an email every day with heavily discounted or free books you can download right away. Most of the deals are limited time, and you have to jump on them before the day is over or the deal sells out. The service allows you to choose categories and genres so you only see deals on books BookBub thinks you might like, but the author follow feature means you'll be able to get notifications for specific authors, even if you don't want emails about that genre or category. The service is also planning to update the feature soon so you can stay up to date on their new books as well as discounted ones. Hit the link below to check it out.
BookBub Author Follow Page via BookBub
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