Should I Refinance My Mortgage?

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Should I Refinance My Mortgage?

Dear Lifehacker,

Interest rates are so low these days that I’m thinking of refinancing my home mortgage. However, I’m worried about closing costs and other potential disadvantages of refinancing. How can I decide whether refinancing now is a good idea or not?


Ruminating on Refi

Dear Ruminating,

This is definitely a good time to consider refinancing, since rates are at historical lows. Depending on your current rate and loan, a lower interest rate could save you hundreds on your monthly mortgage payment. You’re wise to weigh the pros and cons of refinancing, though, before rushing in to apply for a refinance. Here’s a three-step plan for making the decision.

Step One: Look at Your Finances Like a Lender Would

Should I Refinance My Mortgage?

Just as you prepared to get your first mortgage, you’ll need to get a handle on your finances before refinancing to find out if you’re even eligible to do so. Lenders use the same criteria for evaluating refinance loan applications as they do home purchase loans:

  • Your credit score and history: Free credit monitoring services Credit Sesame and Credit Karma can estimate your score and you can get your free annual credit report from Now’s the time to correct any errors you find on your report (more than a quarter of reports have errors!). You’ll qualify for the lowest rates if you have an excellent credit score (740 to 850). If your credit score is around or below 600, you’ll likely have a harder time refinancing, so you should look at ways to improve your credit score before applying.

  • Your income, debt, and monthly housing payments: Like getting your first mortgage, lenders will look at your income and payment obligations to make sure you can afford the loan. This calculator from Bankrate will show you the income you’d need to have to qualify for a mortgage at different interest rates. It’s based on the standard 28% payment-to-income (PTI) ratio recommendation—that your debt and other obligations don’t exceed 28% of your monthly gross income. (Mortgage program guidelines vary, however. In addition to the 28% guideline, another general recommendation is to have your monthly mortgage payments plus other debt obligations at or less than 36% of your pre-tax income.)

  • The value of your home now: The more equity in your home, the better. Many lenders require a maximum 80% Loan-to-Value (LTV) ratio, which is the size of your loan divided by the property’s appraised value. If you’re underwater because your home value dropped, however, there are some government programs that allow for higher LTV. If you’re not sure how much your home is worth today, you can get an estimate from Zillow, bearing in mind the estimate isn’t as accurate as getting an actual appraisal. Then find your LTV with this calculator.

With the information above, you should have a feel for how easy it will be to refinance. One last calculator you might want to try: This qualification calculator from Mortgage Professor, which tells you what kinds of loans you would qualify for, based on your credit score and history, income, and debt payments.

A special note if you’re self-employed: Getting a mortgage is notoriously harder than if you were an employee, since lenders see you as more of a risk and will require more documentation (such as two years of tax returns). Having a big emergency fund or other assets could help.

Step Two: Compare Mortgage Rates

Should I Refinance My Mortgage?

Most people want to refinance to get a lower monthly payment, but a refinance can also help you switch to a more preferable type of mortgage (e.g., a fixed mortgage rather than an adjustable one or a 15-year instead of a 30-year mortgage) and/or get cash out for home improvements or other reasons. If you have an adjustable-rate mortgage, refinancing should definitely be considered, because rates will inevitably go up from these record lows. (Freddie Mac predicts 30-year fixed mortgages will be 5.5% in 2016, compared to today’s 3.8% rate.)

This previously highlighted interactive mortgage map can help you compare different loan types to your current mortgage and show how much you might save if you refinance. For special situations, such as VA eligible loans, getting cash out, and/or you’re self-employed, check out Zillow’s personalized rates here.

When using these tools, you’ll want to compare not just the monthly payment and interest rate, but also the total costs over the life of the refinanced loan.

Step Three: Find Your Break-Even Point

Should I Refinance My Mortgage?

Finally, how long you plan to stay in the home is a key factor. If you plan on moving in a couple of years, refinancing might not make financial sense because even with lower monthly payments, you might not recoup the closing costs of the refinance in time.

According to Bankrate, closing costs for refinancing can cost about 2 to 3 percent of the loan amount ($2,000 to $3,000 for every $100,000 in your loan). To find your break-even point, divide those closing fees by the monthly savings you expect to get from refinancing—or use this calculator to run the numbers. This will show you how many months it will take for you to break even. Here’s an example:

Should I Refinance My Mortgage?

In the example above, you’ll recoup the costs of refinancing in two and a half years, so if you plan on staying in your home longer than that, the savings will outweigh the costs. As a general rule of thumb, if you can earn the costs back within two or three years and you plan on staying in your home much longer than that, refinancing is probably a good move.

Consider Your Loan Term

One last consideration is how many years you have left on your current mortgage. If you’ve got 20 years left on your 30-year mortgage and refinance to a new 30-year mortgage, you’re extending how long it will be until you own the home free and clear. This is a big factor if you don’t want to have a mortgage obligation when you’re in retirement.

Also, keep in mind that, depending on your new loan term, although the lower interest rate will lower your monthly payments, you’ll might pay more in total interest over the life of the loan compared to your current mortgage. You can look into 15-year or 20-year mortgages instead of a fixed 30-year one. With a shorter loan term, your monthly payments might be the same or a bit higher, but you’ll save tons of interest over the life of the mortgage. You’ll find more advanced calculators to see if refinancing makes sense for different scenarios at Mortgage Professor.

In the end, the decision to refinance or not is all about the numbers and whether you want to refinance to lower your payments, pay off your mortgage more quickly, get cash out, or consolidate loans. For many people who haven’t refinanced yet and have a mortgage 1% or higher than current rates, it’s definitely at least something to consider now before rates rise.

Good luck,


Photos by Newtown grafitti, Timothy R. Nichols (Shutterstock), Wells Fargo.

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