Look for a recipe for just about anything online and you’ll see so many results that it’s basically impossible to pick out the right one to follow. Besides sticking to a few reliable sites, The Kitchn suggests looking for specificity to differentiate the terrible recipes from the bad.
In this case, specificity really means a variety of things, but it’s really about looking for specific language. A recipe that tells you to pick up “1 carrot” isn’t really helpful. A good recipe writer will say something like, “1 medium carrot” or “1 cup of chopped carrots.” Most good recipe writers will also shy away from chef-like words like “deglaze” and opt instead for specific instructions about deglazing. The same goes for cooking times. A recipe has a better chance for success if it says something like, “the onions should be translucent” as opposed to “cook them for five minutes.” Head over to The Kitchn for a few more tips for picking out good recipes.
Recipe Writers Tell Us How to Spot Reliable Recipes on the Internet | The Kitchn
Photo by Jessica Fiess-Hill.
from Lifehacker http://ift.tt/1KqN8J7
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