Sharp points and angles are the theme of Mahmoud’s desktop, and while it’s certainly dramatic, we also love the way he’s customized it to fit his style and his workflow. Here’s how he set everything up.
Mahmoud mentions right out of the gate that he customized a lot of what you see here, so if you try to duplicate it you may not have quite the same effect, but if you have questions, you can hit him up at the link below. Here’s what you’ll need if you want to bring the same look to your Windows machine:
- The Rainmeter system tweaking and monitoring tool for Windows
- The Sharpen suite for Rainmeter, which includes the wallpaper, icons, diagonal toolbar across the top of the screen, and monitoring widgets on the right side of the screen
- The Winter skin for Rainmeter for the quick access buttons in the top and bottom left side of the screen
- The ZeroFour skin for Rainmeter to create the clock in the center of the screen
- The Origami skin for Rainmeter to create the analog clock hands behind the center clock, and for the mail and weather tiles at the bottom right corner of the screen
- The Reflection skin for Rainmeter for the tiny power button in the bottom right of the screen
- The VU Meter skin for Rainmeter for the active audio visualizer at the very bottom center of the screen
- The Spinning Doge skin for Rainmeter because, well, doge.
There’s a lot of moving parts, but the bulk of what you would consider the “core look” of the desktop comes from that first skin, Sharpen. The rest you can take or leave as you like, but Mahmoud wanted something really special, and customized for his needs (we really like how he used two skins for the clock in the center.) If you have questions about how you can set the same thing up, or if you run into issues with your config, hit him up on Flickr at the link below. Let him know we sent you, and love his work!
Do you have a good-looking, functional desktop of your own to show off? Share it with us! Post it to your personal Kinja blog using the tag Desktop Showcase or add it to our Lifehacker Desktop Show and Tell Flickr pool . Screenshots must be at least at least 640x360 and please include information about what you used, links to your wallpaper, skins, and themes, and any other relevant details. If your awesome desktop catches our eye, you might get featured!
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