Sunday's Best Deals: Logitech Harmony, Home Theater Upgrades, and More

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Sunday's Best Deals: Logitech Harmony, Home Theater Upgrades, and More

At first blush, this seemingly-basic remote might not look like much, but it can actually control eight of your favorite home theater devices, and even turn your smartphone into a universal remote as well.

You're probably used to seeing Logitech Harmony remotes with screens built-in, but it turns out that you already carry a much better screen in your pocket. So in addition to controlling your TV, cable box, game console, stereo, and more from the remote itself, the Logitech Harmony Smart Control can now do the same from your iPhone or Android from anywhere in the house. That's especially handy when Game of Thrones is about to start and you can't find the remote anywhere.

Today's $90 price is about $20 less than average, and within $10 of the lowest price ever listed. [Logitech Harmony Smart Control with Smartphone App and Simple Remote, $90]

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