Make It Easier to Get Rid of Your Clutter by Saying "Thank You"

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Make It Easier to Get Rid of Your Clutter by Saying "Thank You"

It can be difficult to part ways with your items, even if you don’t need them, but sometimes you need to find a way to let them go. It might sound a little strange, but thanking your items before you say goodbye might help you move on.

Most of the time, it’s not the item we want to hold on to, but the memories that are attached to it. Or it’s because we keep thinking that it “might come in handy” someday. Marie Kondo, the author of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, suggests in her new eBay selling guide that you should show some gratitude:

An item may be good, useful, and even beautiful, however if it only seems like it should make you happy, but it really doesn’t, then it’s time to thank it and say goodbye. That’s right, say “thank you” to the item you’re going to sell. It will help you feel better about the decision you’ve made, and it will help you feel more gratitude towards the stuff you keep.

Thank that old toaster for all the great breakfasts it helped provide, thank that book for telling you a great story, and thank those clothes for making you look good once upon a time. By thanking your stuff, you remove a lot of the guilt that can sometimes come with decluttering. Thank the item for its service, get closure with your goodbye, and move on to the next thing you don’t need.

Marie’s Tips | eBay

Photo by Sandra Cohen-Rose and Colin Rose.

from Lifehacker


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