Calculate How Much You’ll Spend During Your Child's First Year

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Calculate How Much You’ll Spend During Your Child's First Year

Sure, raising a child is expensive. And there’s plenty of data that quantifies just how expensive it is. The stats are interesting to look at, but in reality, your mileage varies cary quite a bit depending on a number of individual factors. This calculator gives you a better idea of what you can expect to spend in your first year of parenthood.

Baby Center’s calculator includes a long list of expenses, related to everything from nursery decor to childproofing supplies. While it includes some average prices in each field, and gives you a typical price range for each item, you can plug in what you expect to spend, and the calculator tallies it all up.

Obviously, you could just make a list of these expenses yourself and do the math. But the calculator lists items you might not think about and does the math for you.

Give it a try for yourself at the link below.

Baby Cost Calculator | Baby Center

from Lifehacker


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