Nearly everyone hates their internet provider. If you have a problem with your ISP and calling customer service fails, you now have another option: filing a complaint with the FCC. Now, more than ever, this can be an effective way to get your problem resolved. Here’s how to do it.
As we briefly talked about last week, the FCC’s new rules allow it to be more aggressive in dealing with customer complaints. So, if you think you’re being overcharged, or that you’re not getting the service you paid for, filing a complaint may help you lower your bill or fix your service when a simple complaint to your ISP fails. Even if it doesn’t solve the problem for you, the FCC can keep those complaints and use them to determine if they need to conduct an investigation. Either way, filing a complaint is a good idea. Here’s how to get started.
Step One: Know What Constitutes a Valid Complaint
Filing a complaint with the FCC isn’t like dealing with customer service. You can’t call the FCC because a phone rep was rude or because the technician came to your home four hours late. Your issue must involve a violation, or at least a suspected violation, of the rules that govern internet service in the US.
So, under these rules, what qualifies? The FCC has some guides on your rights as a consumer that you can read through here. If you think your ISP is doing something that infringes on any of these rights, you can file a complaint. Here are a few examples of things your internet provider cannot do:
- Fail to deliver service that was advertised: If you were promised 20Mbps service and you find you’re usually only getting 5Mbps (through a service like, your ISP has failed to provide you the service it advertised to you. This doesn’t mean your service can never go below an advertised speed. This also doesn’t necessarily apply to every device in your home. A computer with an ethernet connection to your modem will be faster than a tablet 100 feet away, which is the fault of the Wi-Fi connection, not your ISP. However, if you find that even with a direct connection, you’re consistently getting slow speeds and your ISP hasn’t fixed it when you complain, you can file a complaint with the FCC.
- Bill or charge you unfairly: Finding unexpected charges on your bill can ruin your day. You may be able to get a charge refunded if you call the company, but sometimes your ISP may double down. If you think the charge was unfair or was added without your consent, you can file a complaint. You can also file a complaint if you believe that your ISP is charging you a higher price than other homes in your area, or if “promotional periods” end earlier than was initially promised. Certain billing issues fall under FTC jurisdiction, though, so be prepared to re-file if the FCC directs you to a different organization.
- Block or throttling legal content or devices: Your ISP is not allowed to block any otherwise legal content. It also can’t throttle your speeds based on the types of traffic or application you’re using. There are some allowances for “reasonable network management”, but even that definition is up for debate, so if it seems like your connection is being throttled, it’s better to report it anyway. Additionally, your ISP can’t prevent you from using your own compatible hardware like routers or modems.
This list is by no means comprehensive, but it covers a decent number of common scenarios. Even if your problem with your ISP isn’t on this list or mentioned on the FCC site, it may still be worth bringing up. The internet has changed a lot of the last couple decades and violations we’re familiar with now were completely unknown in the early days of the internet. You don’t want to waste your (or the FCC’s) time complaining because a Comcast rep was rude, but if you have a legitimate business or legal complaint and you’re not sure if it qualifies, go ahead and file it.
Step Two: Document Everything
Before you even contact your internet provider, it’s a good idea to start keeping as many records as you can. You can file a complaint with little more than your word if you like, but the more evidence you have to back up your claim, the easier it will be to get the outcome that you want. Ideally, you should start this before reaching out to your ISP, but it’s never too late to start keeping records.
Here are just a few things you should keep if you can:
- Log any and all text conversations: If you have to deal with online chat support or exchange emails with your ISP, keep a record of the entire transaction. If you can, request that your ISP email you a copy of chat logs. If not, take screenshots of your conversation.
- Record phone conversations (where legal): Prepared customers who record phone calls have broken innumerable news stories that reveal shady ISP behavior. It can also help keep a record of what you’ve been promised so that the company can’t backpedal later. If you want to record your phone calls with your ISP, you should check out our primer on when and where it’s legal to do so.
- Keep any advertising, promos, or contracts: Promotional deals change so often it’s hard for ISPs to keep them straight, much less their customers. If you’re offered a deal or have an ad promising a certain price, keep those documents. Don’t just write down the price you were promised. You’ll want to know the duration, conditions, and other details of any offer.
These records will help you notice if a company changes something in your contract without telling you. However, it will also be helpful if you need to hand that information over to the FCC. Remember, even if a complaint doesn’t fix your particular issue, it may be helpful for investigating the company down the road.
Step Three: Try to Resolve the Issue With Your ISP First
Once you know what the problem you’re having is, and you’re prepared to document what happens, try contacting your ISP directly. Presumably, you’ll want to do this anyway. After all, if your internet stops working, you don’t want to have to contact a government agency to get it fixed. The FCC will want you to try to resolve the issue with your ISP anyway, so you’ll only waste your time filing a complaint right off the bat.
While you’re dealing with your provider, keep in mind that you’re also trying to build a case for later if they don’t follow through. We have plenty of guides on how to get better customer support without being an asshole. If you know that you’re dealing with an issue that you may send to the FCC, try to focus on that problem. If you think your company is throttling your internet service, focus on that, instead of getting sidetracked by a more mild complaint about how you were treated on the phone. You can complain to the company about that if you like, but don’t bother bringing that issue to the FCC.
Step Four: Send In Your Complaint
Once you have all the records and information you need for your complaint, it’s time to send it in to the FCC. You can file a complaint online, by phone, or through the mail. Online complaints allow you to submit attachments along with your complaint, so if you have recordings or files, this is the way to go.
You can find the form for submitting a complaint to the FCC online here. Here is what you’ll need to include in your complaint:
- Your email address: The FCC will need to follow up with you eventually, so an email address is required. You may also be asked to provide a phone number if the FCC is going to direct the company to call you back to resolve your complaint.
- A description of your complaint: Here, you’ll need to describe your complaint. The more detailed you can be, the better. If you have records, you can submit those separately, so you don’t need to paste full transcripts in this section, but be sure to reference any relevant information, promises, or events.
- The type of problem you’re having: The FCC tool allows you to select what type of complaint you have, including billing, equipment, net neutrality violations, privacy, speed, and more. This also doubles as a helpful shorthand for the types of complaints you can submit, if you’re not sure.
- Any files and records you’ve kept: The last box on the FCC complaint form allows you to upload any files or records you’ve kept. Anything you find relevant should be added here.
Once you send in your complaint, you should receive a tracking number from the FCC. You can call in to the FCC with that tracking number to get a status on your complaint. If you don’t get a call from your ISP within 40 days, be sure to call the FCC. Some complaints (like those involving fraud or cable billing) may turn out to be outside the FCC’s jurisdiction, and you might be asked to re-file the complaint with a different organization like the FTC.
Step Five: Wait For a Response From Your ISP and Escalate If Necessary
This is where all your hard work up until this point starts to pay off. Once your complaint is in, the FCC will review it and contact you for more information if necessary. Then, the commission will send your complaint to your ISP. The company will be required to respond to both you and the FCC itself within 30 days to resolve the problem. That doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll get what you want, but it does mean that your provider got a nasty call from the government, so they’ll probably be in less of a stubborn mood regarding your complaint.
A few things can happen at this point. If your ISP calls you, offers to fix this problem, and you’re happy with the result, then good. You’re done. However, if the issue is not resolved to your satisfaction, you can pursue a couple of options.
- Follow up with the FCC: The FCC can’t force a company to take a certain type of action with specific customers. However, if you’re still not satisfied after your ISP replies to your complaint, letting the FCC know can help make sure they know to keep an eye on the issue.
- Lodge a “formal complaint”: Up until this point, you’ve been filing what’s legally known as an “informal complaint.” However, there’s a higher tier, if you think the issue is serious enough. Filing a formal complaint is more akin to taking your provider to court. Filing for a formal complaint costs $200, so it’s not for every issue. However, if you’ve been severely harmed by your ISP and an informal complaint doesn’t resolve the matter, this can be the next step.
Chances are good that you won’t really need to escalate any further than this step. For minor issues, ISPs will likely be willing to negotiate to resolve your complaint at this stage. That doesn’t mean it won’t involve a fight, though. As Ars Technica points out, some people who have already filed complaints still had to wrestle with Comcast and Time Warner support to get a satisfactory solution.
Filing a complaint with the FCC isn’t guaranteed to get you the outcome that you want. However, with the new net neutrality rules in effect, we’re entering a stage where these complaints will grow more important in keeping internet providers in check. If you’ve ever called in to your ISP’s support line and been pissed off with the response, you now have a second option.
Photos by Mr.TinDC and Wikimedia Commons.
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