Save Space Packing Your Long Sleeve Shirts with This Method

By | 7:09 AM Leave a Comment

When you travel, packing light is important. Here’s a trick to tightly packing your long sleeve shirts without wrinkling them too much.

We’ve shown you how to save space by rolling your clothing, but this method is best for long sleeve shirts, jackets, and other outerwear.

The video above (at 2:43) shows you how it’s done, but here’s the step by step:

  1. Lay the shirt out and button every other button. Then fold the collar upwards.
  2. Fold the sleeves diagonally across the front of the shirt in an “X” shape.
  3. Smooth out wrinkles. At this point you can either stack more shirts on top of this one before rolling or choose to roll this one individually.
  4. Turn up a few inches of fabric on the bottom of the shirt and fold the sides of the shirt inwards in sections making up roughly one third of the width of the shirt.
  5. Tightly roll downwards, starting at the collar.
  6. Use the few folded inches at the bottom of the shirt to hold the roll together.

You will need to de-wrinkle your shirts upon arrival—but there are easy ways to get rid of wrinkles without an iron, in case your destination doesn’t have one.

How to Pack Clothes for Traveling | YouTube

from Lifehacker


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