Get the 'Holy Potatoes!' iOS Games for Free Until April 3

By | 6:28 AM Leave a Comment

One of the few silver linings to come from the big coronavirus quarantine is that a number of app developers are doing their part to be generous in times of self-isolation and unhappiness. Daylight Studios, developer of the popular “Holy Potatoes!” simulation games for Android, iOS, PC, and Mac, is offering up iPhone and iPadOS versions of all three games in its franchise for free.

As that tweet notes, you have until April 3 to grab the games, so I suggest purchasing them now, even if you know you won’t have the time to start playing them in the next day or so. That part doesn’t matter. Once you’ve bought them for free, they’re yours forever—though the games’ downloadable content is not free, so I encourage you to kick over a few bucks to the devs if you’re enjoying your time in your weapon shop, space, or your spy agency.

Here are the direct links to get the games:

As an added bonus, you can also pick up Daylight Studios’ Takoway for the low price of free. It has one-hundred-percent fewer potatoes, but it is a cute little puzzle game that will cost you absolutely nothing to play.

from Lifehacker


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