Are you going to be in London, England, next week?
If so, why not stop by at the Infosecurity Europe event in the world-famous Olympia Grand expo hall?
It’s a fantastic venue to visit for the amazing Victorian architecture alone…
…but next week you can not only enjoy the stunning building, but also meet and greet people from both Naked Security and SophosLabs, including Paul Ducklin, Charlotte Williams and Fraser Howard.
All you have to do is get yourself to Olympia – there’s a station served by both the Underground and the Overground right next to the venue.
You can get into the show on us simply by registering online for a free pass. (You need to register by noon UK time on Monday 2017-06-05.)
We’ll be doing regular presentations throughout each day, live on our stand: no product pitches, just conference-quality talks that prove that even the serious side of security can be both fun to learn and easy to understand.
Topics we’re covering include:
- Humans, what are you gonna do? An entertaining and informative look at social engineering and how to avoid being “human-hacked”.
- Phishing is dead – long live Phishing! Most of us back ourselves to spot a phish email from a mile away – but the crooks can be wilier than you might think.
- Script interpreters – the threats already in your network. Not to be missed: leading security researcher Fraser Howard of SophosLabs digs into modern malware techniques.
- Crimeware-as-a-Service: the all-you-can-eat buffet for wannabe hackers. Bots, keyloggers, ransomware and more – these days, budding cybercrooks don;t have to be techies themselves. They simply rent malware services in the “dark cloud”, and pay with a portion of the proceeds.
- The Mac malware that hooks your webcam up to the Dark Web. Paul Ducklin gives a live malware demo that will surprise you with its combination of simplicity and sophistication. (Windows users: no gloating!)
By the way, we’ll also be publishing a daily “phrase that pays” via our social media accounts.
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter, find the day’s phrase that pays, and come to stand C120 to claim your funky T-shirt. (While stocks last.)
from Naked Security
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