The Convention-Ready Videographer Bag

By | 5:11 PM Leave a Comment

Covering big events as a videographer is always tough, but if you’re curious about how the pros do it, the folks over at Tested run through what they brought to Comic-Con this year.

The bag is a Porta Brace RIG-FS5Q. The video above walks you through the purpose of everything in the bag, but if you’re looking for a quick overview, here’s what’s inside:

If you have a great go bag with a useful organization scheme and great features, let us know! You can share your bag by posting it to your personal Kinja blog using the tag featured bag or adding it to our Lifehacker Go Bag Show and Tell Flickr pool. Photos must be at least at least 800x450. Please include information about your bag, what you put in it, and any relevant details about how you made it awesome. If yours catches our eye, we might just feature it!

What’s in Our camera Bag for Comic-Con 2016 | YouTube

from Lifehacker


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