Download Old Versions of iOS Apps with a Clever Workaround

By | 1:20 PM Leave a Comment

Ever get an update to an iOS app that just completely destroyed the app and made it terrible? There’s a way to roll back to older versions if you’re willing to jump through some hoops.

The process for downgrading apps differs slightly between OS X and Windows. On a Mac, you’ll need an app called Charles, while on Windows you’ll need Fiddler. From there, you’ll need to run through a ton of steps, dig through some XML files, and jump through various other hoops to get the old version of an app. It’s a bit of work, but it’s worth it if an update really screwed with an app you use often (looking at you, YouTube). Head over to iDownloadBlog for the guide to downgrade apps from your Mac, or Medium for the guide on how to do it from your Windows computer.

How to download older versions of iOS apps (Mac version) | iDownloadBlog
How to Legally download any previous version of an App Store app through iTunes (Windows version) | Medium

from Lifehacker


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