This Week's Most Popular Posts: March 20th to 27th

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This Week's Most Popular Posts: March 20th to 27th

This week we returned to the dating pool, wrote our first book, counted some calories, and found the most overrated superfoods. Here's a look back.

What I've Learned Returning to the Dating Pool in My 30s

This Week's Most Popular Posts: March 20th to 27th

Dating has always been an odd experience. There are rules, but nobody knows them. There are special codes, but nobody has a cipher. Yet, somehow, unless you're in your 20s, things are weirder than they've ever been.

Six Things I Learned While Writing My First Book

This Week's Most Popular Posts: March 20th to 27th

Writing a book will almost kill you. By the end, you'll be exhausted, brain dead, and filled with a bubbling sense of anxiety. I recently finished up my first book, and here are a few takeaways from the ordeal that can be applied to pretty much any large scale project.

How to Determine the Number of Calories You Should Eat to Lose Weight

This Week's Most Popular Posts: March 20th to 27th

When you start a diet, determining how much to eat can feel a bit like playing calorie roulette. Many people turn to a calorie calculator, but they can greatly overestimate the amount of food that you need to lose weight. Here's how to calculate your own target.

​The Most Overrated "Healthy" Foods (and What to Eat Instead)

This Week's Most Popular Posts: March 20th to 27th

Sometimes a food becomes trendy based on health claims that, as it turns out, the food can't really support. Here's a look at a few superfoods that aren't so super—and suggest some alternatives that are healthier, cheaper, or both.

How to Overcome Workload Paralysis and Get Back into Action

This Week's Most Popular Posts: March 20th to 27th

We're all busy, but sometimes we go through periods where the work piles up and it seems like it might never end. You might have so much work that it's too intimidating to even start. That's when you need to take a step back, take a deep breath, and start prioritizing.

The "Free" Foods You Can Eat to Stay Full on a Diet

This Week's Most Popular Posts: March 20th to 27th

Almost all foods contain calories, but some foods have so few that they aren't worth really counting. These are frequently called "free foods." If you're on a diet and want a snack, here are a list of those "free foods" that you can eat in moderation without tracking.

The Types of Items that Amazon Prices Lower than Walmart

This Week's Most Popular Posts: March 20th to 27th

The debate over "Who is cheaper, Amazon or Walmart?" has been raging for years. Amazon strategically prices certain items cheaper than Walmart to grow their reputation as a low price leader. By knowing what those items are, you can save. Here's what you need to know.

Pick the Carton with the Freshest Eggs by Looking for This Number

This Week's Most Popular Posts: March 20th to 27th

The freshest eggs have the best flavor and will last longer. Here's an insider tip on picking the freshest carton of eggs at the grocery store: look at the three-digit code printed on the carton, not the sell-by date.

The Guilt-Free Guide to Parting Ways with Your Sentimental Items

This Week's Most Popular Posts: March 20th to 27th

When you're trying to declutter your home, sentimental items pose a difficult challenge. They take up valuable space, but you feel guilty when you even think about getting rid of them. Here are a few tips to help you go through your keepsakes without feeling like a heartless monster.

​The Most Nutritious Food for Your Money at the Salad Bar

This Week's Most Popular Posts: March 20th to 27th

Iceberg lettuce or spinach? Tuna or eggs? Trying to balance nutrition and cost makes a salad bar an intriguing puzzle. Fortunately, the folks at Refinery29 have crunched the numbers to rank your salad bar options so you can load up on good nutrition without getting ripped off paying by the pound.

Five Best Price Tracking Tools

This Week's Most Popular Posts: March 20th to 27th

Figuring out the best time to buy something requires constant watch over ever-fluctuating online prices, and some knowledge of how prices have changed in the past. Luckily, you don't have to figure it all out yourself—there are great tools to help you do it. This week we're looking at five of the best that will let you know when it's time to strike.

Top 10 Smart Ways to Save Money on Clothes

This Week's Most Popular Posts: March 20th to 27th

The average household spends about 2% of their budget—around $1,600 every year—on clothes. While it's not the biggest thing we spend our money on, it's still over a hundred bucks a month that maybe we could trim back. Here are at least ten ways to save money and still have great clothes.

The Definitive Guide to Winning an Argument

This Week's Most Popular Posts: March 20th to 27th

Winning isn't everything, but it sure is nice. When you don't see eye to eye with someone, here are the best tricks for winning that argument.

Eat By Date's Massive Database Tells You When Food Really Expires

This Week's Most Popular Posts: March 20th to 27th

Expiration dates are usually misleading. They often refer to quality, not safety. Eat By Date is a giant database of food products that gives you true expiration dates, plus a lot of other useful information.

from Lifehacker

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