Crunchy Data, the leading provider of trusted open source PostgreSQL technology and support, in collaboration with the Center for Internet Security, announces the publication of a PostgreSQL CIS Benchmark for PostgreSQL 11.
Crunchy Data again collaborated with CIS by evaluating open source PostgreSQL 11 against CIS’s security requirements and developed the guide defining how open source PostgreSQL can be configured and deployed to meet security requirements for enterprise systems.
The PostgreSQL CIS Benchmark offers security-conscious enterprises a comprehensive guide for open source PostgreSQL configuration and usage. Enterprises can refer to the CIS Benchmark as they consider open source PostgreSQL as an alternative to proprietary and other database systems.
This newly published CIS PostgreSQL 11 Benchmark joins the existing CIS Benchmarks for PostgreSQL 9.5, 9.6, and 10 while continuing to build upon Crunchy Data’s efforts with the PostgreSQL Security Technical Implementation Guide (PostgreSQL STIG).
“Organizations need access to the best guidance available for the secure configuration and operation of the PostgreSQL database. It’s our mission to provide security best practices and certifications to help drive further adoption of the world’s most advanced open source relational database,” said President of Crunchy Data, Paul Laurence.
PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source, object-relational database system with more than 20 years of active development and a strong global development community. Commercial enterprises and government agencies with a focus on advanced data management benefit from PostgreSQL’s proven architecture and reputation for reliability, data integrity, and cost effectiveness.
Crunchy Certified PostgreSQL, Crunchy Data’s trusted 100% open source PostgreSQL distribution, eases this new CIS Benchmark’s compliance by providing the requisite security enhancing audit logging extensions for deploying PostgreSQL, along with secure disaster recovery capabilities.
Crunchy Certified PostgreSQL also includes popular extensions such as PostGIS, a robust geospatial database for PostgreSQL. Crunchy Certified PostgreSQL has received Common Criteria Evaluation Assurance Level (EAL) 2+ certification, an international standard for computer security certification.
It is the first commercially available open source relational database management system to receive Common Criteria certification.
from Help Net Security
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